Bbc new pidgin

You're referring to the BBC's Pidgin language!

Pidgin is a simplified language used for communication between people who do not share a common language. The BBC Pidgin is a specific dialect of Pidgin that is used by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to communicate with people who speak Pidgin as a lingua franca in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa.

The BBC Pidgin is a unique blend of English, Nigerian languages, and other local languages, and is used to broadcast news, current affairs, and entertainment programs to a wide audience. It is an important tool for the BBC to reach out to people who may not speak English or other major languages, and to promote understanding and communication across linguistic and cultural boundaries.

Some examples of BBC Pidgin phrases include:

The BBC Pidgin is an important part of the BBC's efforts to promote cultural understanding and communication in Africa, and is widely used and appreciated by audiences across the continent.