Bbc igbo news on mancity chealsea match

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on BBC Igbo news covering a Manchester City vs Chelsea match. Here's why:

  1. BBC Igbo is not a real news outlet: BBC is a British public service broadcaster, and it doesn't have a specific Igbo language news service. While BBC has a presence in Nigeria and covers news in Igbo language, it's not a dedicated Igbo news channel.
  2. Manchester City vs Chelsea is a Premier League match: The Premier League is a professional association football league in England, and Manchester City and Chelsea are two of its top teams. While the match might be covered by various news outlets, it's unlikely to be featured on a specific Igbo language news service.

If you're looking for news on the match, you can try searching for English language news articles or videos from reputable sources like BBC Sport, Sky Sports, or other Premier League-affiliated websites.