Prisons reform committee frees 84 inmates in edo

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HEADLINE: Prisons Reform Committee Frees 84 Inmates in Edo

LAGOS, NIGERIA - The Edo State Prisons Reform Committee has released 84 inmates from various correctional facilities in the state, as part of efforts to decongest the prisons and reform the criminal justice system.

The freed inmates, who were cleared of their crimes or had served their sentences, were handed over to their families and communities on Wednesday.

According to the committee's chairman, Mr. John Idumwonyi, the release of the inmates was a result of a thorough review of their cases, which showed that they were no longer a threat to society.

"We are committed to ensuring that our prisons are not overcrowded and that those who are incarcerated are given a second chance to reform and reintegrate into society," Idumwonyi said.

The committee's efforts are part of a broader initiative to reform the country's prison system, which has been plagued by overcrowding, poor conditions, and corruption.

The released inmates were given food, clothing, and other essential items to help them reintegrate into their communities. They were also provided with vocational training and counseling to help them find employment and stay out of trouble.

The Edo State government has pledged to continue working with the Prisons Reform Committee to ensure that the state's prisons are run in a humane and efficient manner.

The release of the 84 inmates is a welcome development, and it is hoped that it will serve as a model for other states in the country to follow.