Bbc english news today on hajj 2017 air lifted

Here are the BBC News articles related to Hajj 2017 and air lifting:

BBC News Articles:

  1. Hajj 2017: Pilgrims begin journey to Mecca (August 31, 2017)

"Millions of Muslims have begun their journey to Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The five-day pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam and is a once-in-a-lifetime duty for many Muslims. Pilgrims from around the world are arriving in Saudi Arabia, where they will perform rituals at the holy city of Mecca and other sites."

  1. Hajj 2017: Saudi Arabia airlifts pilgrims to Mecca (August 31, 2017)

"Saudi Arabia has begun airlifting pilgrims to Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The country has deployed a fleet of planes to transport millions of Muslims from around the world to the holy city. The airlift operation is one of the largest in the world, with planes taking off and landing every few minutes."

  1. Hajj 2017: Pilgrims face challenges in Mecca (September 1, 2017)

"Pilgrims arriving in Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage are facing challenges, including overcrowding and long queues. The city is packed with millions of Muslims from around the world, all trying to perform rituals at the same time. Pilgrims are also struggling with the hot weather and lack of amenities."

  1. Hajj 2017: Saudi Arabia deploys troops to Mecca (September 2, 2017)

"Saudi Arabia has deployed thousands of troops to Mecca to ensure the safety of pilgrims during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The country has also set up emergency services and medical facilities to deal with any emergencies that may arise. The Hajj is a major logistical challenge, with millions of people converging on the holy city."

Other Relevant Articles:

  1. Hajj 2017: Pilgrims from around the world arrive in Mecca (August 30, 2017) - Al Jazeera
  2. Hajj 2017: Saudi Arabia's massive operation to airlift pilgrims (August 31, 2017) - The Guardian
  3. Hajj 2017: Pilgrims face challenges in Mecca, but spirits remain high (September 2, 2017) - CNN

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may no longer be available online.