Deplorable minna suleja road stalls vehicular movement

It seems like you're referring to a specific road in Nigeria, Minna-Suleja Road, which is notorious for its deplorable state and the resulting congestion and vehicular movement issues.

The Minna-Suleja Road is a major highway that connects the cities of Minna and Suleja in Niger State, Nigeria. Unfortunately, the road has been plagued by poor maintenance, potholes, and other infrastructure challenges, which have made it a nightmare for commuters and motorists.

The deplorable state of the road has led to numerous issues, including:

  1. Potholes and rough terrain: The road is riddled with deep potholes, making it difficult for vehicles to navigate, especially during the rainy season.
  2. Congestion: The road's poor condition has led to frequent traffic jams, causing frustration and delays for commuters.
  3. Accidents: The road's deplorable state has contributed to a high incidence of accidents, as vehicles struggle to maintain control on the rough terrain.
  4. Erosion: The road's poor drainage system has led to erosion and flooding, further exacerbating the problems faced by commuters.

The Nigerian government and relevant authorities have been working to address these issues, including plans to rehabilitate and reconstruct the road. However, the process has been slow, and commuters continue to face challenges on this critical transportation artery.

It's essential for the government and stakeholders to prioritize the rehabilitation of the Minna-Suleja Road to improve the safety, efficiency, and overall quality of life for commuters and residents in the region.