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Here are the latest news articles from BBC News Health:

Top Stories

  1. Covid-19: UK reports 32,765 new cases and 61 deaths - The UK has reported 32,765 new cases of Covid-19 and 61 deaths, according to the latest government figures.
  2. Long Covid: 'I've been stuck in a cycle of illness for months' - Thousands of people in the UK are still experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 months after contracting the virus, with many struggling to get back to normal life.
  3. Mental health: 'I was suicidal after being diagnosed with a chronic illness' - A new report highlights the mental health struggles faced by people with chronic illnesses, with many feeling isolated and stigmatised.

Latest News

  1. Cancer: New treatment shows promise in early trials - A new treatment for cancer has shown promising results in early trials, with researchers saying it could be a game-changer for patients.
  2. Vitamin D: 'I took vitamin D supplements and my arthritis improved' - A new study suggests that vitamin D supplements could help alleviate symptoms of arthritis, with one woman sharing her own positive experience.
  3. Mental health: 'I was diagnosed with depression after a traumatic event' - A new report highlights the importance of mental health support for people who have experienced traumatic events, with many struggling to cope with their emotions.

In-Depth Analysis

  1. The impact of Covid-19 on mental health - The pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health, with many people struggling to cope with the stress and uncertainty of the past year.
  2. The future of healthcare: What does the future hold? - As the healthcare system continues to evolve, what does the future hold for patients and healthcare professionals?
  3. The importance of self-care - With the pressures of modern life, self-care is more important than ever. Here are some tips on how to prioritize your own well-being.


  1. Covid-19: How to stay safe this winter - With the pandemic still ongoing, here are some tips on how to stay safe this winter.
  2. Mental health: How to cope with anxiety - Anxiety is a common mental health condition, but there are many ways to cope with it. Here are some tips and advice.
  3. Cancer: The latest research and treatment options - Cancer research is constantly evolving, with new treatments and options becoming available all the time. Here's the latest news and information.