Basketmouth jonathan apologize disrespecting

You're referring to the recent controversy surrounding Basketmouth's comments about Jonathan, the former President of Nigeria.

For those who may not be aware, Basketmouth, a popular Nigerian comedian, made some comments that were perceived as disrespectful towards Jonathan during a comedy show. The comments sparked outrage on social media, with many Nigerians calling for him to apologize.

After the backlash, Basketmouth did issue an apology, stating that his intention was not to disrespect Jonathan or his family. He acknowledged that his words may have caused hurt and offense, and he apologized for any pain he may have caused.

Here's a quote from his apology:

"I want to apologize to former President Goodluck Jonathan and his family for any hurt or offense caused by my recent comments. My intention was not to disrespect him or his family, but I understand that my words may have caused pain and I apologize for that. I respect the office of the President and I respect the person of President Jonathan. I will strive to be more mindful of my words in the future."

It's worth noting that while Basketmouth has apologized, some people are still upset and feel that his apology was not sufficient. The incident highlights the importance of being mindful of the impact of our words and actions, especially when it comes to public figures and sensitive topics.