Senate orders cows found loitering city centre slaughtered

I think there may be some confusion here!

I'm not aware of any credible news article or official statement from a government or legislative body that would suggest the Senate (or any other governing body) has ordered the slaughter of cows found loitering in a city centre.

In fact, it's highly unlikely that cows would be found loitering in a city centre, as they are large animals that typically require a significant amount of space and grazing land to roam freely.

It's possible that you may have come across a satirical or humorous article or social media post that was misinterpreted as factual. Alternatively, it's also possible that there was a specific incident or issue related to stray or feral animals in a particular city that was misreported or exaggerated.

If you could provide more context or clarify where you heard this information, I'd be happy to help you investigate further!