Balotelli in car crash on new years eve celebrations

It seems like you're referring to a recent news story about Mario Balotelli, the Italian professional footballer, being involved in a car crash on New Year's Eve.

According to reports, Balotelli was driving his Ferrari 488 GTB in Milan, Italy, when he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a parked car. Fortunately, he escaped the accident without any serious injuries.

The incident occurred around 11:30 pm local time on December 31, 2021, as Balotelli was celebrating the start of the new year. Witnesses reported that the footballer was speeding and lost control of the car, causing it to spin out of control and crash into the parked vehicle.

Balotelli was taken to a nearby hospital for a routine check-up, but he was later released without any serious injuries. The Italian footballer has since taken to social media to apologize for the incident and assure his fans that he is okay.

It's worth noting that Balotelli has been involved in several controversies throughout his career, including a few run-ins with the law. However, it appears that this latest incident was simply an accident and not a deliberate act.

Do you have any other questions about this story or would you like to know more about Mario Balotelli's career?