Current news about akwa ibom state university

Here are some current news and updates about Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU):

Academic News

  1. Resumption of Academic Activities: AKSU has announced the resumption of academic activities for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students are expected to return to campus on October 3, 2022. (Source: AKSU Website)
  2. New Vice-Chancellor Appointed: Professor Nse Essien has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of AKSU, effective from October 1, 2022. (Source: Vanguard News)

Infrastructure Development

  1. New Faculty of Engineering Building: AKSU has commissioned a new Faculty of Engineering building, which is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to enhance teaching and research in the faculty. (Source: This Day Live)
  2. Renovation of Hostels: The university has embarked on the renovation of its hostels to provide comfortable accommodation for students. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. (Source: The Guardian)

Research and Innovation

  1. Research Grant Awarded: AKSU has been awarded a research grant by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) to conduct research in the areas of agriculture, health, and environmental science. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Innovation Hub Launched: The university has launched an innovation hub to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among students and staff. The hub will provide resources and support for startups and small businesses. (Source: BusinessDay)

Student Life

  1. Student Union Election: The student union election has been held at AKSU, with a new set of executives elected to lead the students. (Source: The Nation)
  2. Sports Competition: The university has hosted a sports competition, which featured various sports such as football, basketball, and volleyball. The competition was won by the Faculty of Science. (Source: Leadership)

Other News

  1. Staff Development Programme: AKSU has launched a staff development programme to enhance the skills and capacity of its staff. The programme will cover areas such as leadership, communication, and technology. (Source: The Punch)
  2. Community Outreach Programme: The university has launched a community outreach programme to promote community development and engagement. The programme will focus on areas such as health, education, and environmental conservation. (Source: The Guardian)

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It's always best to check the official website of AKSU or other reliable sources for the latest information.