Balarabe musa news

Balarabe Musa is a Nigerian politician and former Governor of Kaduna State. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Call for Unity: In a recent interview, Balarabe Musa called for unity among Nigerians, saying that the country's diversity is its strength. He urged Nigerians to put aside their differences and work together to build a better future. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Criticism of APC: Musa has been critical of the All Progressives Congress (APC) government, saying that it has failed to deliver on its campaign promises. He has also accused the party of being corrupt and lacking a clear vision for the country. (Source: Premium Times)
  3. Support for Atiku: Musa has endorsed Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), saying that he is the best candidate to lead Nigeria. He has also called on Nigerians to vote for Atiku in the upcoming elections. (Source: This Day Live)
  4. Concerns about Insecurity: Musa has expressed concern about the rising insecurity in Nigeria, saying that the government needs to do more to protect citizens. He has also called for the release of detained activists and journalists. (Source: Daily Trust)
  5. Advocacy for Good Governance: Musa has been advocating for good governance in Nigeria, saying that it is essential for the country's development. He has also called for the strengthening of institutions and the promotion of transparency and accountability. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)

These are just a few recent news updates about Balarabe Musa. As a prominent Nigerian politician, he is often in the news and is known for his outspoken views on various issues affecting the country.