Bakugun battle brawlers new vestoria episode 25

Bakugan Battle Brawlers is a popular anime series, and New Vestroia is the second season of the show. Episode 25 of New Vestroia is a significant episode in the series, and I'll try to provide you with a brief summary.

Episode 25: "The Secret of the Masked Marucho"

In this episode, Marucho Marukura, the leader of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers, is revealed to be wearing a mysterious mask. The mask is said to have been created by the ancient civilization of Vestroia, and it holds the power to control the Bakugan.

As the episode progresses, Marucho's friends and allies begin to suspect that he is hiding something from them. Meanwhile, the Vexos, a group of rogue brawlers, launch a surprise attack on the Bakugan Resistance.

The episode culminates in a intense battle between Marucho and the Vexos, with the fate of the Bakugan and the Resistance hanging in the balance.

Spoiler Alert!

If you haven't watched the episode yet, you might want to skip this part. The mask that Marucho is wearing is revealed to be a powerful artifact that allows him to communicate with the ancient Vestroian civilization. It's also revealed that Marucho's father, Masquerade, is actually a Vestroian warrior who was sent to Earth to protect the Bakugan.

The episode ends with Marucho removing the mask and revealing his true identity as Masquerade's son. This twist adds a new layer of complexity to Marucho's character and sets the stage for the rest of the series.

I hope that summary helps! Do you have any other questions about Bakugan Battle Brawlers or New Vestroia?