Boris johnson to push for better brexit deal with eu

A timely topic!

Yes, according to recent reports, Boris Johnson, the newly appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is planning to push for a better Brexit deal with the European Union (EU). Here are some key points:

  1. Renegotiation of the Withdrawal Agreement: Johnson has indicated that he wants to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement, which was agreed upon by his predecessor, Theresa May, and the EU. He believes that the current deal is not in the UK's best interests and wants to make changes to address concerns over the Irish backstop.
  2. Alternative to the backstop: Johnson has proposed an alternative to the backstop, which is a mechanism designed to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland. His plan involves creating a new customs arrangement between the UK and the EU, which would allow for the free movement of goods while also ensuring that the UK is no longer bound by EU rules.
  3. EU willing to listen: The EU has indicated that it is willing to listen to Johnson's proposals and engage in talks to find a solution. However, the EU has also made it clear that it will not reopen the Withdrawal Agreement, which was agreed upon after months of negotiations.
  4. Johnson's deadline: Johnson has set a deadline of October 31st for the UK to leave the EU, which is just over two months away. He has warned that if a deal is not reached by then, the UK will leave the EU without a deal, which could have significant economic and political implications.
  5. Parliamentary approval: Any new deal will need to be approved by the UK Parliament, which has been a major obstacle in the Brexit process. Johnson will need to convince a majority of MPs to support his deal, which could be a challenging task.

Overall, the situation is complex and uncertain, and it remains to be seen whether Johnson will be able to secure a better Brexit deal with the EU.