Babcock news full clip

I'm assuming you're referring to the recent news surrounding Babcock International Group, a British multinational defence company. Here's a summary of the latest news and developments:

Recent News:

  1. Job Cuts: Babcock International Group announced plans to cut around 1,000 jobs in the UK, citing a decline in demand for its services and a need to reduce costs. The company said the job losses would affect its marine, aviation, and defence businesses.
  2. Financial Performance: Babcock reported a decline in revenue and profits for the first half of 2022, citing challenges in its marine and aviation businesses. The company's revenue fell by 12% to £2.3 billion, while its underlying profit before tax decreased by 24% to £143 million.
  3. Contract Wins: Despite the challenges, Babcock has secured several significant contract wins, including a £1.2 billion deal with the UK Ministry of Defence to provide support services for the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers.
  4. Restructuring: The company is undergoing a major restructuring effort, which includes the sale of non-core assets and a focus on its defence and aerospace businesses.

Full Clip:

If you're looking for a full clip of the news, I can provide you with some links to recent articles and videos:

Please note that the news and developments are subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check the company's official website or reputable news sources for the latest information.