Babalakin ogunsola amuka danjuma obaigbena others celebrate new san

It seems like you're sharing a list of people celebrating a new SAN (Senior Advocate of Nigeria)!

Here's a breakdown of the names you provided:

  1. Babalakin - likely a reference to Olawale Babalakin, a Nigerian lawyer and businessman.
  2. Ogunlola - possibly a reference to Ogunlola Amuka, a Nigerian lawyer.
  3. Amuka - likely a reference to Amuka Danjuma, a Nigerian lawyer and former President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA).
  4. Danjuma - possibly a reference to Theophilus Danjuma, a Nigerian lawyer and former Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters.
  5. Obaigbena - likely a reference to Dele Obaigbena, a Nigerian lawyer and journalist.

These individuals are all respected professionals in the legal field, and it's great to see them celebrating the achievement of a new SAN!