Azia new yam festival 2018

The Azia New Yam Festival 2018! That was a significant event in the Igbo culture, celebrating the arrival of the new yam harvest. Here's a brief rundown of what happened:

Date: September 22, 2018 Location: Azia, Anambra State, Nigeria Purpose: To celebrate the arrival of the new yam harvest, which marks the beginning of the yam farming season in the Igbo culture.


  1. Traditional Procession: The festival began with a grand procession of traditional dancers, drummers, and masquerade groups, dressed in their finest attire, parading through the streets of Azia.
  2. Yam Presentation: The highlight of the festival was the presentation of the new yam harvest to the people. The yams were displayed in a grand ceremony, accompanied by traditional music and dance.
  3. Traditional Food: The festival featured a wide range of traditional Igbo dishes, including pounded yam, egusi soup, and other local delicacies.
  4. Cultural Performances: The event showcased various cultural performances, including traditional music, dance, and acrobatic displays.
  5. Prizes and Awards: The festival also featured a prize-giving ceremony, where winners of various competitions, including yam-growing and cooking contests, were awarded prizes.


The Azia New Yam Festival 2018 was significant because it marked the beginning of the yam farming season in the Igbo culture. Yam is a staple crop in Igbo land, and the festival celebrates the hard work and dedication of farmers who toil to bring in the harvest.


The Azia New Yam Festival 2018 was a grand celebration of Igbo culture and tradition. It brought together people from all walks of life to celebrate the arrival of the new yam harvest and to honor the farmers who work tirelessly to bring in the crop. The festival is an important part of Igbo heritage and is expected to continue for generations to come.