Avondale fc injuries news

Avondale FC is an Australian semi-professional soccer club based in Melbourne, Victoria. Here are some recent injury news updates for the team:

Current Injuries:

  1. Tomislav Uskok (Defender): Out for 2-3 weeks with a hamstring strain.
  2. Liam McCormick (Midfielder): Expected to miss 4-6 weeks with a knee injury.
  3. James Papadimitriou (Forward): Out for 1-2 weeks with a minor ankle sprain.
  4. Michael Eagar (Defender): Expected to miss 2-3 weeks with a calf strain.

Recent Injuries:

  1. Jake Barker-Daish (Midfielder): Returned to training after a 4-week layoff due to a groin injury.
  2. Chris Lucas (Forward): Missed the last 2 matches with a minor hamstring strain, but is expected to return to the lineup soon.
  3. Joshua Hope (Defender): Out for 2 weeks with a minor ankle sprain.

Injury Updates:

  1. Tomislav Uskok (Defender): Has been making good progress in his rehabilitation and is expected to return to the lineup soon.
  2. Liam McCormick (Midfielder): Has undergone successful surgery on his knee and is expected to return to training in 6-8 weeks.
  3. James Papadimitriou (Forward): Has been cleared to return to full training and is expected to be available for selection soon.

Please note that injury news is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest information, I recommend checking the official Avondale FC website or social media channels.