August 2018 new series

August 2018 was a great time for new TV series! Here are some popular ones that premiered that month:

  1. The Terror (August 12, 2018) - a historical horror drama series on AMC, based on the true story of the ill-fated Franklin Expedition to the Arctic.
  2. Lodge 49 (August 6, 2018) - a surreal, mystery-drama series on AMC, following a surfer who becomes obsessed with a mysterious lodge and its enigmatic leader.
  3. The Last Ship (August 20, 2018) - a post-apocalyptic drama series on TNT, set in a world where a global pandemic has wiped out 80% of the world's population.
  4. The Innocents (August 24, 2018) - a supernatural drama series on Netflix, about a teenage girl who discovers she has telekinetic powers and runs away with her boyfriend to escape her troubled past.
  5. The First (August 17, 2018) - a science fiction drama series on Hulu, set in a future where humanity has colonized Mars and follows a team of astronauts on a mission to establish a new human settlement.

These are just a few examples, but there may be other series that premiered in August 2018 that you might enjoy!