Solskjaer has caught klopp itis in man utd moan

I think you meant to say that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has caught the "Kloppitis" in a Manchester United moan!

For those who may not know, "Kloppitis" is a colloquial term used to describe the perceived overreaction or melodrama exhibited by Liverpool fans and manager Jürgen Klopp when their team loses or doesn't get a favorable decision from the referee.

It seems that some Manchester United fans are now accusing Solskjaer of exhibiting similar behavior, perhaps in response to a recent loss or perceived injustice. This could be seen as a tongue-in-cheek way of poking fun at the idea that Solskjaer has "caught the bug" of being overly dramatic or emotional, much like Klopp and his fans are often accused of being.

Of course, this is all just playful banter and not meant to be taken seriously. Football fans love to have a good laugh and poke fun at each other's teams and managers, and this is just another example of that!