Atest news about the golden eaglets preparation 2018

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on "Golden Eaglets" preparation for 2018. It's possible that you may be referring to the Nigerian national under-17 football team, also known as the Golden Eaglets, but I couldn't find any specific information on their preparation for 2018.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you may be able to find information on the Golden Eaglets' preparation for 2018:

  1. Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) website: The NFF website may have information on the team's preparation for international tournaments, including the 2018 FIFA U-17 World Cup.
  2. FIFA website: FIFA's website may have information on the Golden Eaglets' preparation for the 2018 FIFA U-17 World Cup, including team news, fixtures, and results.
  3. Sports news websites: Websites like ESPN, BBC Sport, and may have articles and updates on the Golden Eaglets' preparation for the 2018 FIFA U-17 World Cup.
  4. Nigerian sports websites: Websites like Vanguard News, Punch News, and ThisDay Live may have information on the Golden Eaglets' preparation for the 2018 FIFA U-17 World Cup.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you are looking for, I may be able to help you better.