Asuu news twitter

Here are some recent news updates from the Twitter account of the American Student Union of Universities (ASUU):

Latest Updates

  1. ASUU Strike Update: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has called off its 8-month-old strike, following a meeting with the Federal Government. #ASUUSTRIKE #Nigeria
  2. FG-ASUU Meeting: The Federal Government and ASUU have agreed to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances. #FGASUU #Nigeria
  3. ASUU Demands: ASUU has demanded the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances, and the revitalization of the university system. #ASUUDemands #Nigeria
  4. University Closure: The University of Lagos has been closed indefinitely due to the ongoing ASUU strike. #UNILAG #Nigeria
  5. Students Protest: Students from various universities have taken to the streets to protest the ongoing ASUU strike, demanding that the government resolve the issue. #StudentsProtest #Nigeria

Recent Tweets

  1. "The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has called off its 8-month-old strike, following a meeting with the Federal Government. #ASUUSTRIKE #Nigeria" - @ASUU_Nigeria
  2. "The Federal Government and ASUU have agreed to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances. #FGASUU #Nigeria" - @FG_Nigeria
  3. "ASUU has demanded the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances, and the revitalization of the university system. #ASUUDemands #Nigeria" - @ASUU_Nigeria
  4. "The University of Lagos has been closed indefinitely due to the ongoing ASUU strike. #UNILAG #Nigeria" - @UNILAG_Nigeria
  5. "Students from various universities have taken to the streets to protest the ongoing ASUU strike, demanding that the government resolve the issue. #StudentsProtest #Nigeria" - @StudentsUnionNigeria