Fg closes perceived gap between hnd and bsc in paramilitary agencies

I think there may be a bit of a typo or unclear phrase in your question. Could you please rephrase or provide more context so I can better understand what you're asking?

From what I can gather, it seems like you're asking about the perceived gap between a Higher National Diploma (HND) and a Bachelor of Science (BSC) in paramilitary agencies. If that's correct, here's a possible answer:

In many paramilitary agencies, such as the military, police, or firefighting services, there is often a perceived gap between the qualifications and skills required for HND and BSC holders. This gap can be attributed to various factors, including:

  1. Practical skills: Paramilitary agencies often require personnel to possess specific practical skills, such as marksmanship, first aid, or tactical training, which may not be fully developed in a BSC program. HND programs, on the other hand, may focus more on practical skills and less on theoretical knowledge.
  2. Theoretical knowledge: BSC programs typically provide a more comprehensive theoretical foundation in subjects like law, psychology, sociology, or business, which may be less relevant to paramilitary agencies. HND programs, by contrast, may focus more on applied skills and less on theoretical knowledge.
  3. Work experience: Paramilitary agencies often require personnel to have significant work experience, which may not be a requirement for BSC holders. HND programs, however, may provide more opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships or work placements.

To address this perceived gap, some paramilitary agencies may offer additional training or certifications to HND holders to bring them up to speed with the skills and knowledge required for BSC holders. Conversely, BSC holders may need to complete additional training or certifications to demonstrate their practical skills and adaptability to the paramilitary environment.

Please let me know if this answers your question or if you'd like me to clarify anything!