Asuu news 2020

Here are some notable news stories related to ASUU (Academic Staff Union of Universities) in 2020:

  1. ASUU Strike: The union went on strike on March 23, 2020, over the federal government's failure to meet its demands, including the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, payment of earned academic allowances, and revitalization of universities. The strike lasted for eight months, ending on December 24, 2020.
  2. FG-ASUU Agreement: On December 24, 2020, the federal government and ASUU reached a new agreement, which included the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances, the release of N30 billion for the revitalization of universities, and the establishment of a visitation panel to review the universities' governance structures.
  3. Payment of Earned Academic Allowances: ASUU had been demanding the payment of earned academic allowances (EAAs) for its members, which had been outstanding since 2012. The federal government finally paid the allowances in October 2020.
  4. Revitalization of Universities: ASUU had been pushing for the revitalization of universities, which includes the provision of infrastructure, equipment, and staff development. The federal government agreed to release N30 billion for this purpose in the 2020 budget.
  5. Visitation Panel: ASUU had been demanding the establishment of a visitation panel to review the governance structures of universities. The federal government agreed to establish the panel as part of the December 2020 agreement.
  6. ASUU's Demands: ASUU had been pushing for the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of salaries and allowances, the provision of infrastructure, and the promotion of academic staff. The union also demanded the release of N1.1 trillion for the revitalization of universities.
  7. FG's Response: The federal government had been accused of not taking ASUU's demands seriously, leading to the prolonged strike. The government had also been criticized for not providing adequate funding for universities.
  8. Impact of the Strike: The strike had a significant impact on the academic calendar, with many students missing out on important academic activities, including exams and graduations. The strike also affected the morale of academic staff and the overall quality of education in Nigerian universities.

These are some of the key news stories related to ASUU in 2020. The union's strike and the subsequent agreement with the federal government were major news stories in Nigeria during the year.