Association of university presses new york

The Association of University Presses (AUPresses) is a professional organization that represents university presses in the United States and Canada. The organization was founded in 1938 and is headquartered in New York City.

AUPresses has over 140 member presses, which are located at universities and colleges across North America. The organization's mission is to promote the work of university presses and to provide support and resources to its member presses.

Some of the key activities and initiatives of AUPresses include:

  1. Advocacy: AUPresses advocates for the importance of university presses and the role they play in promoting scholarship and intellectual freedom.
  2. Professional development: AUPresses offers training and professional development opportunities for staff at member presses, including workshops, webinars, and conferences.
  3. Networking: AUPresses provides opportunities for staff at member presses to connect with each other and share best practices and knowledge.
  4. Publishing support: AUPresses offers resources and support to help member presses navigate the challenges of publishing in a rapidly changing academic publishing landscape.
  5. Awards and recognition: AUPresses presents annual awards to recognize excellence in publishing, including the AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Design Awards.

AUPresses also publishes a quarterly newsletter, the AUPresses Newsletter, which features news and updates from the organization, as well as articles and interviews with authors and publishers.

Some of the notable member presses of AUPresses include:

AUPresses is a vital organization that plays an important role in promoting the work of university presses and supporting the academic publishing community.