Arsenal boss arteta warns players cracking under english schedule

Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta has warned his players that the intense schedule in the English Premier League is taking a toll on their bodies and minds, and that they need to find a way to cope with the demands of the season.

Speaking to the media after Arsenal's 2-1 win over Newcastle United on Sunday, Arteta expressed his concerns about the physical and mental fatigue that his players are experiencing due to the relentless schedule.

"I think it's normal to feel tired, to feel exhausted," Arteta said. "The schedule is very demanding, and we're playing every three days. It's not easy to maintain the same level of performance, the same level of intensity, the same level of focus.

"I think we're all feeling it, not just the players. The staff, the coaches, everyone is feeling it. It's a big challenge, but we have to find a way to cope with it."

Arteta's comments come after Arsenal's players have been struggling with injuries and fatigue in recent weeks. The team has been forced to make several changes to their starting lineup due to injuries, and some players have been struggling to maintain their usual level of performance.

The Arsenal manager believes that the key to coping with the schedule is to prioritize rest and recovery, and to make sure that the players are getting enough time to recharge their batteries.

"We need to make sure that we're giving them enough time to recover, to rest, to recharge," Arteta said. "We need to make sure that we're not pushing them too hard, too quickly. We need to make sure that we're giving them the right support, the right guidance, to help them cope with the demands of the season."

Arteta also emphasized the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in helping the players to cope with the challenges of the season.

"We're all in this together," Arteta said. "We're all feeling the same way. We're all tired, we're all exhausted. But we have to find a way to support each other, to lift each other up, to help each other through this difficult period."

Overall, Arteta's comments highlight the challenges that Arsenal and other Premier League teams are facing this season, and the importance of prioritizing player welfare and recovery in order to maintain a high level of performance.