Assign new variable to object javascript

In JavaScript, you can assign a new variable to an object using the following methods:

  1. Dot notation:

    myObject.newVariable = 'value';

    This creates a new property on the myObject object with the name newVariable and assigns it the value 'value'.

  2. Bracket notation:

    myObject['newVariable'] = 'value';

    This is similar to dot notation, but uses square brackets [] instead of dot notation.

  3. Object literal:

    myObject = {...myObject, newVariable: 'value' };

    This creates a new object that combines the existing properties of myObject with a new property newVariable and assigns it the value 'value'.

  4. ES6 destructuring:

    const { newVariable } = {...myObject, newVariable: 'value' };

    This creates a new variable newVariable and assigns it the value 'value', while also updating the myObject object with the new property.

Here's an example:

const myObject = { name: 'John', age: 30 };

// Using dot notation
myObject.newVariable = 'hello';

console.log(myObject); // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30, newVariable: 'hello' }

// Using bracket notation
myObject['newVariable2'] = 'world';

console.log(myObject); // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30, newVariable: 'hello', newVariable2: 'world' }

// Using object literal
myObject = {...myObject, newVariable3: 'foo' };

console.log(myObject); // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30, newVariable: 'hello', newVariable2: 'world', newVariable3: 'foo' }

// Using ES6 destructuring
const { newVariable4 } = {...myObject, newVariable4: 'bar' };

console.log(myObject); // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30, newVariable: 'hello', newVariable2: 'world', newVariable3: 'foo' }
console.log(newVariable4); // Output: 'bar'

Note that in the last example, newVariable4 is a new variable that is assigned the value 'bar', while myObject remains unchanged.