Assign new design property to member

You want to assign a new design property to a member. Here's a step-by-step guide:



  1. Identify the design property: Determine which design property you want to assign to the member. This could be a specific color, font, spacing, or any other design element.
  2. Check the design system: Verify that the design property exists in your design system or style guide. If it doesn't, you may need to create a new design property or update the existing one.
  3. Assign the design property: Use your design tool or software (e.g., Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, etc.) to assign the design property to the member. This may involve creating a new design element, updating an existing one, or linking the design property to a specific component or asset.
  4. Communicate the assignment: Inform the member about the new design property assignment. This could be done through a design review, a meeting, or a written communication (e.g., email, Slack message, etc.).
  5. Verify understanding: Ensure that the member understands the new design property assignment and how to apply it in their work.


Let's say you're a designer at a company that uses a specific brand color scheme. You want to assign a new primary color to a team member, John, who is responsible for creating marketing materials.

  1. Identify the design property: You decide to assign the new primary color, #FFC107, to John.
  2. Check the design system: You verify that the new primary color exists in your design system and is defined as the primary color for marketing materials.
  3. Assign the design property: You update the design system to reflect the new primary color assignment for John's marketing materials.
  4. Communicate the assignment: You send John an email or message informing him about the new primary color assignment and providing guidance on how to apply it in his work.
  5. Verify understanding: You schedule a meeting with John to review the new design property assignment and ensure he understands how to use the new primary color in his marketing materials.

By following these steps, you can effectively assign a new design property to a member and ensure consistency in your design system.