Nigeria will be second biggest rice importer in 2019 usda

A very interesting fact!

Yes, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Nigeria is expected to become the second-largest rice importer in 2019. This is a significant development in the country's rice industry, which has been facing challenges in recent years.

Here are some key statistics from the USDA report:

  1. Nigeria is expected to import 2.5 million metric tons of rice in 2019, up from 1.8 million metric tons in 2018.
  2. The country's rice imports are expected to account for 40% of its total rice consumption, making it the second-largest rice importer in the world, after Indonesia.
  3. The increase in rice imports is attributed to a decline in domestic rice production, which has been affected by factors such as inadequate irrigation, poor agricultural practices, and climate change.
  4. The Nigerian government has been implementing policies to promote local rice production and reduce imports, including the establishment of rice mills and the provision of subsidies to farmers. However, these efforts have been slow to yield significant results.

The increased rice imports are likely to have implications for Nigeria's economy, including:

  1. Higher food prices: As the country imports more rice, prices are likely to rise, making it more expensive for consumers to access this staple food.
  2. Trade deficits: The increased imports will likely widen Nigeria's trade deficit, which could have negative impacts on the country's foreign exchange reserves and economic growth.
  3. Dependence on imports: The reliance on imports will continue to undermine Nigeria's efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency and reduce its dependence on foreign food supplies.

Overall, the USDA report highlights the need for Nigeria to address the underlying challenges in its rice industry, including improving agricultural practices, investing in irrigation infrastructure, and promoting local rice production to reduce imports and ensure food security.