Asana move projects to new workspace

To move projects from one Asana workspace to another, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Using the Asana API

  1. Create a new workspace in Asana and note down the workspace ID.
  2. Go to the old workspace and navigate to the project you want to move.
  3. Click on the three dots next to the project name and select "Export" > "Export to CSV".
  4. Download the CSV file and open it in a spreadsheet editor like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
  5. Update the "workspace" column in the CSV file to the ID of the new workspace.
  6. Go back to the Asana API documentation and follow the instructions to import the CSV file into the new workspace.

Method 2: Using Asana's built-in feature

  1. Go to the old workspace and navigate to the project you want to move.
  2. Click on the three dots next to the project name and select "Move project".
  3. In the "Move project" dialog box, select the new workspace from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click "Move project" to move the project to the new workspace.

Method 3: Using Asana's Zapier integration

  1. Connect your Asana account to Zapier.
  2. Create a new Zap and select Asana as the trigger app.
  3. Choose the "New project" trigger and select the old workspace.
  4. Set up the trigger to capture the project you want to move.
  5. Connect your new Asana workspace to Zapier.
  6. Create a new action in the Zap and select Asana as the action app.
  7. Choose the "Create project" action and select the new workspace.
  8. Set up the action to create a new project with the same name and details as the original project.
  9. Enable the Zap to move the project from the old workspace to the new workspace.

Method 4: Using Asana's CSV import

  1. Export the project from the old workspace using the "Export" feature.
  2. Open the CSV file and update the "workspace" column to the ID of the new workspace.
  3. Go to the new workspace and navigate to the "Projects" page.
  4. Click on the "Import" button and select the CSV file.
  5. Follow the import wizard to import the project into the new workspace.

Please note that when moving projects, you may lose any custom fields, tags, or other metadata that are specific to the old workspace. It's a good idea to review the project settings and data before moving it to ensure that everything is transferred correctly.