Arteta gamble pays off as arsenal fa cup win eases euro woe

A great headline!

For those who may not know, Mikel Arteta is the current manager of Arsenal Football Club, and the article is likely referring to his decision to make some tactical changes and take a risk (or "gamble") in a recent FA Cup match, which ultimately paid off with a win.

The FA Cup is a prestigious domestic cup competition in English football, and winning it would be a significant achievement for Arsenal. The "Euro woe" likely refers to Arsenal's struggles in the UEFA Europa League, which is a European club competition.

The headline suggests that Arteta's gamble paid off, and the win in the FA Cup match has helped to ease the pressure and disappointment of Arsenal's struggles in the Europa League. It's a great way to spin a positive story and highlight the manager's tactical acumen and ability to make bold decisions that pay off!