Arsenals search for another gilberto silva has been painful admits invincibles hero

It seems like you're referring to a recent article or interview where an Arsenal legend, possibly Ashley Cole, has shared his thoughts on the club's search for another Gilberto Silva.

Gilberto Silva was a Brazilian midfielder who played for Arsenal from 2002 to 2008, known for his defensive solidity, vision, and leadership. He was a key player in the "Invincibles" team that went unbeaten in the 2003-04 Premier League season.

The article or interview you're referring to likely mentions that Arsenal's search for another player like Gilberto Silva has been challenging, as they've struggled to find a midfielder who can replicate his qualities. Gilberto's ability to read the game, win the ball back, and distribute it effectively was a crucial aspect of Arsenal's success during his time at the club.

It's possible that Ashley Cole, who played alongside Gilberto Silva during his time at Arsenal, has expressed his disappointment or frustration with the club's inability to find a similar player. Cole, who is now a pundit and commentator, has been known to share his honest opinions on the game, so it's likely that his comments would be insightful and informative.

If you could provide more context or a link to the article or interview, I'd be happy to help you understand the situation better!