Arise news global business report on forex trading

Here's a sample news article on a global business report on forex trading:

Global Forex Trading Volumes Reach Record Highs Amid Market Volatility

Date: March 10, 2023

In a recent report, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) revealed that global foreign exchange (forex) trading volumes have reached record highs, driven by increased market volatility and the growing popularity of online trading platforms.

According to the BIS's Triennial Central Bank Survey, the average daily turnover in the global forex market reached $6.6 trillion in April 2022, up 20% from the previous survey in 2019. This represents a significant increase from the $3.2 trillion recorded in 2004, the first year the survey was conducted.

The report attributed the surge in trading volumes to several factors, including:

  1. Market volatility: The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic uncertainty have led to increased market volatility, driving investors to seek refuge in the forex market.
  2. Growing popularity of online trading: The rise of online trading platforms and mobile apps has made it easier for individuals to access the forex market, contributing to the growth in trading volumes.
  3. Increased participation from emerging markets: Emerging market economies, such as China and India, have seen significant growth in their forex markets, driven by increased trade and investment activity.

The report also highlighted the growing importance of electronic trading platforms, which now account for over 90% of all forex trades. This shift towards electronic trading has led to increased efficiency and reduced costs for traders, making it more accessible to a wider range of investors.

Regional Breakdown

The report also provided a breakdown of forex trading volumes by region, with the following results:


The report highlights the growing importance of the forex market as a global financial hub, with increased trading volumes driven by market volatility, online trading platforms, and emerging market growth. As the market continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see further growth and increased participation from a wider range of investors.


Note: The above article is a sample and not a real news article. The figures and data used are fictional and for illustrative purposes only.