Argungu festival we must harness our resources to make nigeria safe lawan

It seems like you're referencing a quote from the President of the Nigerian Senate, Ahmed Lawan, where he mentioned the Argungu Fishing Festival and the need to harness Nigeria's resources to make the country safe.

The Argungu Fishing Festival is an annual event held in Argungu, Kebbi State, Nigeria, which celebrates the country's rich fishing heritage. The festival attracts thousands of people from across the country and is a significant cultural event in Nigeria.

In the context of the quote, Senator Lawan is likely emphasizing the importance of utilizing Nigeria's natural resources, including its fishing industry, to improve the country's security and overall well-being. He may be suggesting that by harnessing these resources, Nigeria can create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and reduce poverty, which can contribute to a safer and more stable society.

Here's a possible breakdown of the quote:

Overall, Senator Lawan's quote highlights the importance of leveraging Nigeria's natural resources to drive economic growth, create jobs, and improve the country's security and overall well-being.