Are new age songs ambient

What a great question!

New Age music and Ambient music share some similarities, but they are not exactly the same thing. Here's a breakdown:

New Age music:

Ambient music:

While both genres share some similarities, such as their focus on atmosphere and texture, New Age music tends to be more melodic and harmonically driven, whereas Ambient music is often more experimental and focused on sound design.

That being said, some New Age artists have been influenced by Ambient music and have incorporated Ambient elements into their work. For example, Enya's music often features lush, atmospheric soundscapes that are reminiscent of Ambient music. Similarly, some Ambient artists have explored more melodic and harmonically driven approaches, blurring the lines between the two genres.

In summary, while New Age music and Ambient music share some similarities, they are distinct genres with different characteristics and goals. New Age music tends to be more melodic and harmonically driven, while Ambient music is often more experimental and focused on sound design.