Applus new centers

APplus is a leading provider of testing, inspection, and certification services, and they have established new centers in various locations around the world. Here are some of the new centers:

  1. APplus Testing and Certification Center in Mexico City, Mexico: This center provides testing and certification services for a wide range of products, including electrical, mechanical, and industrial equipment.
  2. APplus Inspection and Testing Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: This center offers inspection and testing services for products such as textiles, electronics, and machinery.
  3. APplus Testing and Certification Center in Bogota, Colombia: This center provides testing and certification services for products such as electrical, mechanical, and industrial equipment.
  4. APplus Inspection and Testing Center in Nairobi, Kenya: This center offers inspection and testing services for products such as textiles, electronics, and machinery.
  5. APplus Testing and Certification Center in Chennai, India: This center provides testing and certification services for products such as electrical, mechanical, and industrial equipment.
  6. APplus Inspection and Testing Center in Dubai, UAE: This center offers inspection and testing services for products such as textiles, electronics, and machinery.
  7. APplus Testing and Certification Center in Lima, Peru: This center provides testing and certification services for products such as electrical, mechanical, and industrial equipment.
  8. APplus Inspection and Testing Center in Hanoi, Vietnam: This center offers inspection and testing services for products such as textiles, electronics, and machinery.
  9. APplus Testing and Certification Center in Cairo, Egypt: This center provides testing and certification services for products such as electrical, mechanical, and industrial equipment.
  10. APplus Inspection and Testing Center in Bangkok, Thailand: This center offers inspection and testing services for products such as textiles, electronics, and machinery.

These new centers demonstrate APplus's commitment to expanding its global presence and providing its services to a wider range of customers.