Apple reportedly scraps iphone 9 launch event amid coronavirus pandemic

According to recent reports, Apple has decided to cancel its planned iPhone 9 launch event due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The event was expected to take place in March, but Apple has reportedly scrapped the plans to prioritize the health and safety of its employees, customers, and partners.

The iPhone 9 was expected to be a significant update to the iPhone lineup, with rumors suggesting it would feature a new design, improved cameras, and faster processors. However, with the pandemic spreading globally, Apple has decided to focus on ensuring the well-being of its employees and customers rather than pushing forward with the launch event.

Apple has not officially confirmed the cancellation of the event, but sources close to the company have revealed that the decision was made to prioritize the health and safety of everyone involved. The company is expected to release a statement soon, but for now, it appears that the iPhone 9 launch event is off the table.

This move is not surprising, given the current global situation. Many companies are taking precautions to minimize the spread of the virus, and Apple is no exception. The company has already taken steps to ensure the safety of its employees, including implementing remote work arrangements and increasing cleaning and disinfection protocols in its offices.

It's unclear at this point when Apple will reschedule the iPhone 9 launch event, but it's likely that the company will wait until the pandemic is under control before proceeding with the launch. In the meantime, fans of the iPhone will have to wait a bit longer to get their hands on the latest device.

What do you think about Apple's decision to cancel the iPhone 9 launch event? Do you think it's the right move, or should the company have pushed forward with the event despite the pandemic? Let me know in the comments!