Apple new look

You're referring to the new design language introduced by Apple in 2020!

Apple's new look, also known as "Apple Design Language" or "Apple Design System," is a significant overhaul of the company's visual identity. It aims to create a more cohesive and modern look across all Apple products and services. Here are some key elements of the new design language:

  1. Simplified typography: Apple has introduced a new custom font, called "San Francisco," which is used throughout their products. The font is designed to be more legible and easier to read.
  2. Cleaner and more minimalistic design: Apple has reduced the use of gradients, shadows, and other visual effects, creating a more minimalist and clean design aesthetic.
  3. Increased use of white space: Apple has increased the use of white space (also known as negative space) to create a more airy and uncluttered design.
  4. New color palette: Apple has introduced a new color palette that is more muted and subtle, with a focus on blues, whites, and grays.
  5. Consistent iconography: Apple has introduced a new set of icons that are designed to be more consistent and recognizable across all their products and services.
  6. Improved accessibility: Apple has made significant improvements to accessibility features, including larger text, high contrast modes, and improved support for assistive technologies.

The new design language has been rolled out across various Apple products and services, including:

Overall, the new design language aims to create a more cohesive and modern visual identity for Apple, while also improving the user experience and accessibility of their products and services.