Kwara news on salary arrears

Here are some recent news articles and updates on salary arrears in Kwara State, Nigeria:

  1. Kwara Govt. Pays N1.4bn Salary Arrears to Workers (Vanguard, March 2023)

The Kwara State Government has paid N1.4 billion as salary arrears to its workers. The payment was made to settle outstanding salaries owed to workers in the state.

  1. Kwara Govt. to Pay N2.5bn Salary Arrears to Workers (Daily Trust, February 2023)

The Kwara State Government has announced plans to pay N2.5 billion as salary arrears to its workers. The payment is expected to settle outstanding salaries owed to workers in the state.

  1. Kwara Workers Protest Over Unpaid Salaries (Punch, January 2023)

Workers in Kwara State have protested over unpaid salaries, demanding that the government settle outstanding salaries owed to them. The protest was led by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

  1. Kwara Govt. Pays N1.2bn Salary Arrears to Workers (Leadership, December 2022)

The Kwara State Government has paid N1.2 billion as salary arrears to its workers. The payment was made to settle outstanding salaries owed to workers in the state.

  1. Kwara Workers Threaten Strike Over Unpaid Salaries (ThisDay, November 2022)

Workers in Kwara State have threatened to go on strike if the government fails to settle outstanding salaries owed to them. The workers are demanding that the government pay their salaries promptly.

  1. Kwara Govt. to Pay N1.5bn Salary Arrears to Workers (Daily Post, October 2022)

The Kwara State Government has announced plans to pay N1.5 billion as salary arrears to its workers. The payment is expected to settle outstanding salaries owed to workers in the state.

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates on salary arrears in Kwara State. The situation is constantly evolving, and I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest information.