Apparel news bangladesh

Here are some recent news articles and updates related to the apparel industry in Bangladesh:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Bangladesh's apparel industry faces challenges in post-COVID era (The Daily Star, March 2023) The article discusses the challenges faced by Bangladesh's apparel industry in the post-COVID era, including supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and increased competition from other countries.
  2. Bangladesh's garment exports to EU rise 12% in 2022 (The Financial Express, February 2023) The article reports that Bangladesh's garment exports to the European Union (EU) increased by 12% in 2022, driven by the country's competitive prices and compliance with EU labor standards.
  3. Bangladesh's apparel industry to focus on sustainability (The Business Standard, January 2023) The article highlights the importance of sustainability in Bangladesh's apparel industry, with many manufacturers and exporters committing to reduce their environmental impact and improve labor practices.
  4. Bangladesh's garment sector to create 1.5 million new jobs by 2025 (The Daily Sun, December 2022) The article reports that Bangladesh's garment sector is expected to create 1.5 million new jobs by 2025, driven by the industry's growth and expansion.

Industry Updates:

  1. Bangladesh's apparel exports to reach $35 billion by 2025 (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, December 2022) The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) has set a target of reaching $35 billion in apparel exports by 2025, driven by the industry's growth and expansion.
  2. Bangladesh's garment sector to focus on value addition (Bangladesh Textile Mills Association, November 2022) The Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA) has emphasized the need for the garment sector to focus on value addition, including the development of new products and technologies, to remain competitive in the global market.
  3. Bangladesh's apparel industry to adopt digital technologies (The Daily Star, October 2022) The article reports that Bangladesh's apparel industry is adopting digital technologies, including artificial intelligence and blockchain, to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance sustainability.

Government Initiatives:

  1. Bangladesh government launches initiative to promote sustainable apparel industry (The Financial Express, September 2022) The Bangladesh government has launched an initiative to promote sustainable practices in the apparel industry, including the use of renewable energy and reducing waste.
  2. Bangladesh government sets target to increase apparel exports to $40 billion by 2025 (The Daily Sun, August 2022) The Bangladesh government has set a target of increasing apparel exports to $40 billion by 2025, driven by the industry's growth and expansion.

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates related to the apparel industry in Bangladesh. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you with that!