Ap news archive

The Associated Press (AP) News Archive is a vast collection of news articles and photographs dating back to the early 20th century. The archive is a valuable resource for researchers, journalists, and the general public, providing access to historical news stories and events.

Here are some ways to access the AP News Archive:

  1. AP News Archive Website: The AP News Archive website (apnewsarchive.com) allows you to search for articles and photographs by keyword, date range, and other criteria. You can also browse through categories such as "Top Stories," "Sports," and "Entertainment."
  2. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: ProQuest is a digital library that provides access to historical newspapers, including the AP News Archive. You can search for articles and photographs by keyword, date range, and other criteria.
  3. Newspapers.com: Newspapers.com is a digital newspaper archive that includes the AP News Archive. You can search for articles and photographs by keyword, date range, and other criteria.
  4. Library of Congress: The Library of Congress has a large collection of AP News Archive materials, including photographs and articles. You can search for materials by keyword, date range, and other criteria.
  5. AP Archives at the University of Maryland: The University of Maryland's Hornbake Library has a large collection of AP News Archive materials, including photographs and articles. You can search for materials by keyword, date range, and other criteria.

Some notable features of the AP News Archive include:

Overall, the AP News Archive is a valuable resource for anyone interested in history, journalism, or research.