Tag today in history september 5

September 5th! Here are some interesting events that occurred on this day throughout history:

1781 - The first edition of "The Times of London" is published.

1882 - The first United States Labor Day parade is held in New York City.

1914 - World War I: The Siege of Antwerp begins.

1925 - The first television news program is broadcast, in London.

1945 - The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed, officially ending World War II.

1969 - The Beatles release their iconic album "Abbey Road".

1984 - The Soviet Union boycotts the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California.

1997 - The Mars Global Surveyor reaches Mars and begins its mapping mission.

2008 - Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy, triggering a global financial crisis.

These are just a few of the many events that have occurred on September 5th throughout history.