Latest news from peace corps of nigeria

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Peace Corps of Nigeria:

Recent News

  1. Peace Corps of Nigeria Celebrates 10th Anniversary: The Peace Corps of Nigeria celebrated its 10th anniversary on October 30, 2022, with a ceremony at the National Youth Centre in Abuja. The event was attended by dignitaries, including the Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Sunday Dare. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Peace Corps Trains 500 Youths in Entrepreneurship: The Peace Corps of Nigeria has trained 500 youths in entrepreneurship skills as part of its efforts to empower young people in the country. The training was held in Lagos and was aimed at equipping the youths with skills to start their own businesses. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  3. Peace Corps Partners with UNICEF to Promote Child Rights: The Peace Corps of Nigeria has partnered with UNICEF to promote child rights and protection in the country. The partnership aims to strengthen the capacity of Peace Corps volunteers to identify and report cases of child abuse and exploitation. (Source: This Day Live)
  4. Peace Corps Launches Community Development Projects: The Peace Corps of Nigeria has launched several community development projects in various parts of the country. The projects include the construction of schools, healthcare facilities, and water supply systems. (Source: Daily Trust)
  5. Peace Corps Trains Volunteers on Conflict Resolution: The Peace Corps of Nigeria has trained its volunteers on conflict resolution skills as part of efforts to promote peace and stability in the country. The training was held in Abuja and was attended by volunteers from across the country. (Source: The Nation Newspaper)

Upcoming Events

  1. Peace Corps of Nigeria Annual Conference: The Peace Corps of Nigeria will hold its annual conference in November 2022. The conference will bring together Peace Corps volunteers, staff, and stakeholders to discuss issues related to youth development and community empowerment. (Source: Peace Corps of Nigeria Website)
  2. Peace Corps Volunteer Orientation: The Peace Corps of Nigeria will hold a volunteer orientation program in December 2022. The program will provide new volunteers with an introduction to the organization's mission, values, and expectations. (Source: Peace Corps of Nigeria Website)

Recent Achievements

  1. Peace Corps of Nigeria Wins International Award: The Peace Corps of Nigeria has won an international award for its efforts in promoting youth development and community empowerment. The award was presented at a ceremony in Washington D.C. in October 2022. (Source: Peace Corps of Nigeria Website)
  2. Peace Corps Volunteers Complete Community Development Projects: A group of Peace Corps volunteers has completed several community development projects in various parts of the country. The projects included the construction of schools, healthcare facilities, and water supply systems. (Source: Daily Trust)

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It is always best to verify the information through official sources or the Peace Corps of Nigeria website.