Aol mail sign up new account

Here's a step-by-step guide to signing up for a new AOL Mail account:

Note: AOL Mail is a free email service provided by AOL (America Online). You can sign up for a new account using your existing AOL username and password or create a new one.

Method 1: Sign up with an existing AOL account

  1. Go to the AOL Mail sign-up page:
  2. Click on "Sign up" and then "Create a new account"
  3. Enter your existing AOL username and password
  4. Click "Sign in" to access your account
  5. Click on "Create a new email address" and follow the prompts to create a new email address

Method 2: Create a new AOL account

  1. Go to the AOL Mail sign-up page:
  2. Click on "Sign up" and then "Create a new account"
  3. Enter your first and last name, email address, and password
  4. Choose a username (this will be your AOL username)
  5. Enter your birthdate and gender
  6. Click "Create account" to create your new account
  7. Follow the prompts to verify your account and set up your email address

Verification process:

After creating your account, you'll need to verify your email address by clicking on a link sent to your new email address. This is a security measure to ensure that you're the one creating the account.
