Any recent news on christian association of nigeria

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is a prominent Christian organization in Nigeria, and there have been several recent news stories and developments related to the organization. Here are a few examples:

  1. CAN's call for calm after Plateau attacks: In June 2022, CAN called for calm and restraint after a series of attacks in Plateau State, which left several people dead and many others displaced. The organization urged the government to take immediate action to protect citizens and prevent further violence.
  2. CAN's support for Christian students in Kaduna: In May 2022, CAN expressed concern over the abduction of Christian students in Kaduna State and called on the government to ensure their safe release. The organization also urged the government to take measures to protect Christian students and prevent future abductions.
  3. CAN's criticism of Nigeria's handling of insecurity: In April 2022, CAN criticized the Nigerian government's handling of insecurity in the country, saying that it had failed to provide adequate protection for citizens. The organization called on the government to take immediate action to address the security challenges facing the country.
  4. CAN's support for Christian farmers in Benue: In March 2022, CAN expressed solidarity with Christian farmers in Benue State who had been affected by attacks and killings by herdsmen. The organization called on the government to provide protection for farmers and prevent further violence.
  5. CAN's call for prayers for Nigeria's elections: In February 2022, CAN called on Christians to pray for Nigeria's upcoming elections, saying that the country needed God's guidance and protection during the electoral process.
  6. CAN's criticism of Nigeria's economic situation: In January 2022, CAN criticized Nigeria's economic situation, saying that it was worsening the living conditions of citizens. The organization called on the government to take immediate action to address the economic challenges facing the country.
  7. CAN's support for Christian refugees in Cameroon: In December 2021, CAN expressed concern over the plight of Christian refugees in Cameroon who had fled Nigeria due to insecurity. The organization called on the government to provide assistance to the refugees and ensure their safe return to Nigeria.

These are just a few examples of recent news stories and developments related to the Christian Association of Nigeria. The organization is a prominent voice in Nigerian Christian circles and often speaks out on issues related to faith, politics, and social justice.