Any new browsing cheat

You're looking for some new browsing cheats, eh? Here are a few:

1. Use the "I'm feeling lucky" button: When searching on Google, click the "I'm feeling lucky" button instead of the search button. This will take you directly to the top result, skipping the search results page.

2. Use the "site:" operator: Use the "site:" operator to search within a specific website. For example, "" will search only within Google's website.

3. Use the "filetype:" operator: Use the "filetype:" operator to search for files of a specific type. For example, "filetype:pdf" will search for PDF files.

4. Use the "OR" operator: Use the "OR" operator to search for multiple keywords. For example, "apple OR banana" will search for pages that contain either "apple" or "banana".

5. Use the "NOT" operator: Use the "NOT" operator to exclude specific keywords from your search results. For example, "apple NOT banana" will search for pages that contain "apple" but not "banana".

6. Use the "site:" operator with a specific domain: Use the "site:" operator with a specific domain to search within that domain. For example, "" will search only within the website.

7. Use the "related:" operator: Use the "related:" operator to find websites that are similar to a specific website. For example, "" will find websites that are similar to

8. Use the "info:" operator: Use the "info:" operator to find information about a specific topic. For example, "info:apple" will find information about Apple Inc.

9. Use the "define:" operator: Use the "define:" operator to find the definition of a specific word or phrase. For example, "define:apple" will find the definition of "apple".

10. Use the "cache:" operator: Use the "cache:" operator to view the cached version of a specific webpage. For example, "" will view the cached version of

11. Use the "related:site:" operator: Use the "related:site:" operator to find websites that are similar to a specific website within a specific domain. For example, "" will find websites that are similar to within the domain.

12. Use the "info:site:" operator: Use the "info:site:" operator to find information about a specific website. For example, "" will find information about

These are just a few examples of the many browsing cheats available. Remember to always use these cheats responsibly and within the bounds of the website's terms of service.