Any latest news about national task force

I'm assuming you're referring to the National Task Force on COVID-19, which is a collaborative effort between the Indian government and various stakeholders to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some latest updates:

  1. Extension of Lockdown: The National Task Force has recommended an extension of the lockdown in India until May 31st, 2021, to contain the spread of COVID-19.
  2. Vaccination Drive: The task force has been instrumental in coordinating the vaccination drive across the country. As of now, over 18 crore (180 million) doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in India.
  3. Testing and Tracing: The task force has emphasized the importance of increasing testing and contact tracing to identify and isolate COVID-19 cases. India has been conducting over 2 lakh (200,000) tests daily.
  4. Oxygen Supply: The task force has been working to ensure a steady supply of oxygen to hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country, which has been a major challenge during the pandemic.
  5. Economic Relief: The task force has recommended measures to provide economic relief to individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic, including a stimulus package and relaxation of loan repayment norms.
  6. International Cooperation: The task force has been engaging with international partners to share best practices, coordinate efforts, and access vaccines and medical supplies.
  7. Research and Development: The task force has been supporting research and development initiatives to develop new treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools for COVID-19.

These are just a few updates on the National Task Force's efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in India. If you're looking for more specific information or updates, please let me know!