Any breaking news on visa ban by eu us

There have been recent developments on the visa ban imposed by the EU and US on each other's officials. Here are some breaking news updates:

EU-US Visa Ban:

  1. EU imposes visa ban on US officials: On June 16, 2021, the European Union announced that it would impose a visa ban on US officials responsible for the introduction of the "Golden Visa" program, which allows wealthy individuals to obtain US residency in exchange for investing in the country. The EU claims that the program is being used to circumvent EU tax laws and undermine the bloc's financial stability. (Source: Reuters)
  2. US retaliates with visa ban on EU officials: In response to the EU's visa ban, the United States announced on June 18, 2021, that it would impose a similar visa ban on EU officials responsible for the EU's "Schengen Visa" program, which allows citizens of non-EU countries to enter the Schengen Area without a visa. The US claims that the program is being used to facilitate human trafficking and terrorism. (Source: CNN)


The visa ban was imposed in response to the introduction of the "Golden Visa" program by the US and the "Schengen Visa" program by the EU. Both programs have been criticized for allowing wealthy individuals to obtain residency or citizenship in exchange for investing in the country or region.


The visa ban is expected to have significant implications for diplomatic relations between the EU and US. It may also affect the ability of officials from both sides to travel to each other's countries for official business.

Next Steps:

It is unclear at this time whether the visa ban will be lifted or if further retaliatory measures will be taken by either side. The situation is being closely monitored by diplomats and international relations experts.

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available news sources and may not reflect the most up-to-date information.