Animal physiology news

Here are some recent news articles and discoveries related to animal physiology:

  1. New species of ancient human discovered: Scientists have discovered a new species of ancient human, Homo luzonensis, in the Philippines. The species is believed to have lived on the island of Luzon at least 50,000 years ago. (Source: Nature)
  2. Octopuses have a unique way of moving: Researchers have discovered that octopuses use a unique form of movement called "jet propulsion" to swim through the water. This involves expelling water from their mantle to create a fast-moving current. (Source: Science)
  3. Birds can see ultraviolet light: Scientists have found that many bird species have the ability to see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to humans. This helps them to detect food and navigate. (Source: PLOS ONE)
  4. Fish can regrow their brains: Researchers have discovered that some species of fish, such as the zebrafish, have the ability to regrow their brains after injury. This could lead to new insights into human brain regeneration. (Source: Science Advances)
  5. Elephants have a highly developed sense of empathy: Studies have shown that elephants are able to recognize and respond to the emotions of others, including humans. This suggests that they have a highly developed sense of empathy. (Source: PLOS ONE)
  6. Butterflies use scent to communicate: Scientists have discovered that butterflies use scent to communicate with each other, including to attract mates and warn off predators. (Source: Science)
  7. Honeybees can recognize human faces: Researchers have found that honeybees are able to recognize human faces and remember them for later encounters. (Source: Science)
  8. Cheetahs have a unique way of running: Scientists have discovered that cheetahs use a unique gait when running, which involves using their front and back legs in unison to create a fast-moving current. (Source: Science)
  9. Dolphins have a complex social structure: Studies have shown that dolphins live in complex societies with hierarchies and social bonds, similar to those found in humans. (Source: PLOS ONE)
  10. Ants can work together to solve problems: Researchers have found that ants are able to work together to solve complex problems, such as navigating mazes and finding food. (Source: Science)

These are just a few examples of the many fascinating discoveries being made in the field of animal physiology.