Anglo american sunninghill new zeland

A very specific question!

Anglo American is a multinational mining company, and Sunninghill is a suburb in Auckland, New Zealand. Here's what I found:

Anglo American has a significant presence in New Zealand, and Sunninghill is one of the locations where they operate. Specifically, Anglo American's New Zealand operations are focused on coal mining, and Sunninghill is home to one of their major coal mines.

The Sunninghill mine is an open-cut coal mine located in the Waikato region of New Zealand's North Island. The mine has been in operation since the 1970s and is one of the largest coal mines in the country. Anglo American's Sunninghill mine produces thermal coal, which is used to generate electricity in power stations.

The mine is operated by Anglo American's New Zealand subsidiary, Anglo Coal New Zealand, and employs around 400 people. The mine is also a significant contributor to the local economy, generating revenue and creating jobs in the region.

I hope that helps!