Angel haze new york

A great choice!

Angel Haze is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter from Detroit, Michigan, but she's often associated with New York City, where she's lived and worked for many years. Here are some interesting facts about Angel Haze and her connection to New York:

  1. Rise to fame in NYC: Angel Haze moved to New York City in 2011 to pursue a career in music. She quickly gained attention in the city's underground hip-hop scene, performing at venues like the Bowery Ballroom and the Knitting Factory.
  2. Debut mixtape: Her debut mixtape, "New York" (2012), was heavily influenced by her experiences living in the city. The mixtape received critical acclaim and helped establish her as a rising star in the hip-hop world.
  3. Collaborations with NYC artists: Angel Haze has collaborated with several New York-based artists, including Azealia Banks, Main Attrakionz, and Le1f. These collaborations have helped her build a strong connection to the city's music scene.
  4. Influences from NYC culture: Angel Haze's music often reflects her experiences living in New York City, incorporating elements of the city's culture, such as its vibrant nightlife, diverse neighborhoods, and eclectic fashion scene.
  5. Performance at the Apollo Theater: In 2013, Angel Haze performed at the legendary Apollo Theater in Harlem, a historic venue that has hosted many famous artists over the years.
  6. Support for LGBTQ+ community: Angel Haze is an openly gay artist, and she has been a vocal advocate for the LGBTQ+ community in New York City. She has performed at several LGBTQ+ events and has used her platform to raise awareness about issues affecting the community.

Overall, Angel Haze's connection to New York City is deeply rooted in her music, experiences, and artistic identity. Her music often reflects the city's energy, diversity, and creativity, making her a beloved figure in the NYC music scene.